The Earth Federation
RX-78-2 Gundam
Head height: 18.0 meters / Base Weight: 43.4 tons
/ Full Weight: 60.0 tons / Generator output: 1380 Kilowatts / Thruster Output: 55,500 kilograms / Sensor Radius: 5700
meters / Armament: 60mm vulcan gun x 2, Beam Saber x 2, Beam Rifle / Armor materials: Luna Titanium Alloy / Optional and Additional
Weapons: Hyper Bazooka, Beam Javelin, Gundam Hammer, Hyper Hammer
Pilot: Amuro Ray
The Gundam is one of three prototype mobile suits
secretly developed by the Earth Federation. After suffering tremendous losses to Zeon's mobile suits earlier in the war, the
Federation set out to create its own, using the very latest advanced technology. The Gundam is the most successful of these
prototypes, a close combat mobile suit protected by tough Luna Titanium armor, and armed with both lethal beam sabers and
a devastating beam rifle as powerful as a battleship cannon. It's also equipped with an advanced computer which learns from
its pilot, ultimately enabling it to operate the Gundam automatically. In the hands of accidental pilot Amuro Ray, this one
prototype mobile suit proves to be the equal of any Zeon weapon.
RX-77 Guncannon Head Height: 17.5 meters / Base Weight:51.0 tons / Full Weight: 70.0 tons / Generator Output: 1380 Kilowatts
/ Thruster Output: 51,800 kilograms / Sensor Radius: 6000 meters / Armament: 60mm Vulcan Gun x 2, 240mm Cannon x 2, Beam Rifle
/ Armor Materials: Luna Titanium Alloy
Pilot: Kai Shiden
The Guncannon is the second prototype mobile
suit developed by the Earth Federation. Designed for medium-range support, it's equipped with a pair of shell-firing cannons
in its shoulders, and can carry a beam rifle for additional firepower. While the Guncannon's heavy armor means it doesn't
need to carry a shield, its greater weight makes it less agile than the Gundam. Only one Guncannon survives the Zeon attack
on the Side 7 research colony, and it's soon assigned to civilian recruit Kai Shiden.
RX-75 Guntank
Head Height: 15.0 meters / Base Weight: 56.0 tons
/ Full Weight: 80.0 tons / Generator Output: 878 Kilowatts / Thruster Output: 88,000 kilograms / Sensor Radius: 6,000 meters
/ Armament: 120mm Cannon x2, Quadruple Missle Launcher x2 / Armor Materials: Luna Titanium Alloy
Pilot: Hyato Kobayashi
The Guntank is the third prototype mobile suit
developed by the Earth Federation. Lacking legs and hands, this crude machine is relatively immobile and can't defend
itself in close-range combat, and is thus used mostly for long-range artillery fire. The Guntank is initially manned by driver
Ryu Jose and gunner Hayato Kobayashi, and is later modified so that Hayato can operate it single-handedly from the head cockpit.
White Base
This Pegasus-class mobile assault carrier, the
home of our crew of young heroes, is the first Earth Federation warship designed to carry mobile suits into battle. Its decks
can hold up to nine mobile suits and fighters, and its armament includes a main gun turret, two mega particle cannons, a battery
of missile launchers, and countless anti-aircraft guns. Thanks to its Minovsky craft system, the White Base can survive the
heat of atmospheric re-entry, and then float effortlessly across the surface of the Earth. The soldiers of the Principality
of Zeon, unaware of its true name, give the White Base the nickname "Trojan Horse."
Core Fighter
This small aerospace fighter doubles as
a cockpit for the Earth Federation's Gundam, Guncannon, and Guntank mobile suits. Thanks to the Core Block system used in
these prototype mobile suits, the cockpit module can eject and unfold into a fighter plane, allowing the pilot and vital test
data to escape to safety. While it's armed with four vulcan guns and a pair of missile launchers, only a truly reckless pilot
would deliberately take a Core Fighter into battle.
The Salamis, smaller and less heavily armed than the
Magellan, makes up the bulk of the Earth Federation's space fleet. Its standard armament includes six main guns, six anti-aircraft
machine gun turrets, and two missile launchers, but it can also be refitted for reconnaissance and other special missions.
Like the Magellan, the Salamis carries a small atmospheric re-entry capsule on its underside.